Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Confusion between Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

There has always been a fair amount of confusion between Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments. In India however the problem takes a new turn with vendors confusing between the two.

I was recently in a meeting with a potential customer and we were discussing their current vendors and what they provide in their Penetration Test. As I glanced over the reports I noticed that the service provided was purely a Vulnerability Assessment masquerading as a Penetration Test. The particular vendor in question had only conducted a port scan followed by listing possible vulnerabilities that exist for the service and operating system versions identified.

In my opinion I would barely even classify this as a Vulnerability Assessment. A Vulnerability Assessment Engagement from Security Brigade goes through the following phases:
  • Pre-Assessment Analysis
  • Information Gathering
  • Port Scanning
  • Enumeration
  • Threat Profiling & Risk Identification
  • Network Vulnerability Assessment
  • Application Vulnerability Assessment
  • Engagement Analysis
  • Mitigation Strategies
  • Report Generation
  • Support
A Penetration Testing Service however goes many steps further with the following phases:
  • Pre-Assessment Analysis
  • Information Gathering
  • Port Scanning
  • Enumeration
  • Social Engineering
  • Threat Profiling & Risk Identification
  • Network Vulnerability Assessment
  • Application Vulnerability Assessment
  • Exploit Research & Development
  • Exploitation
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Retaining Access
  • Network Propagation
  • Engagement Analysis
  • Mitigation Strategies
  • Report Generation
  • Support
The difference can be clearly seen in the fact that a Penetration Testing goes further after analyzing the vulnerabilities into exploitation, privilege escalation, retaining access, network prorogation etc. Simply put a Vulnerability Assessment provides an overview of the flaws that exist on the system while a Penetration Testing goes on to provide an impact analysis of the flaws identified, the possible impact of the flaw on the underlying network, operating system, database etc.

I believe it is fairly important for Clients and especially Vendors in India to understand the difference and represent the two services in their traditionally accepted form. I believe this is a crucial step for Indian IT Security to take a step forward and providing real security to customers.

One of the white papers that I am currently working on specifically looks at the difference between Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Tests with a focus on:
  • What is covered by each service
  • What factors should be considered while determining their requirements
  • How a Client can determine their requirements
  • Comparison of the benefits and draw-backs of both the services
  • etc.
The paper should be released sometime this month and can be found on Security Brigade's website.